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Landlord & Tenant Licensing
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Landlord and Tenant Licensing
Whether you are a landlord or a tenant of commercial or residential properties, Alderson Dodds has a team of lawyers who can help you resolve the various issues that arise in connection with leases and short term tenancies.
Relationships between Landlord and Tenant can often become strained. We can assist you in protecting your interests and hopefully help you to maintain a good relationship with your landlord or tenant.
Unfortunately, on occasions, it may become necessary to take action if you consider that either party is in breach of the lease. Again, Alderson Dodds is able to provide advice and assistance in such problem areas both during negotiations to see if the problem can be resolved and during any ensuing court actions.
Please contact us if you need advice or assistance in any of the following areas:
Lease renewals under the Landlord and Tenant Act
- Negotiation of a new Commercial Lease or renewal of an existing one
- Residential Tenancies
- Disputes between Landlord and Tenant
- Injunctions
- Rent Reviews
- Service Charge Disputes
- Party Walls and Access to Neighbouring Land
- Nuisance