Residential Property
Comercial Property
Crime & Prison Law
Family Law
Personal Injury
Business & Commercial
Landlord & Tenant Licensing
Debt Recovery
Will, Probate & Recovery
Why Make a Will
Enduring POA
Social Welfare
Business and Commercial
Alderson Dodds is the largest firm in Northumberland and the only one to operate specialist departments.
We are able to offer a wide range of services to companies and partnerships and we specialise in acting for SMEs.
We have been heavily involved in the business community for a number of years and one of our partners, Tracey Waugh, Chairs the Northumberland Committee of the NECC.
Our approach is to take a commercial view of clients’ problems rather than confining ourselves to narrow legal issues.
Our location, with its relatively low overheads, allows us to offer advice from partners at hourly rates which are very competitive with those being charged by regional city centre firms, the south east and, in particular, London. We act for a number of companies out of area and in particular for small companies who normally cannot get partner access at competitive rates.