Residential Property
Comercial Property
Crime & Prison Law
Family Law
Personal Injury
Business & Commercial
Landlord & Tenant Licensing
Debt Recovery
Will, Probate & Recovery
Why Make a Will
Enduring POA
Social Welfare
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About Us
Alderson Dodds are currently the largest Law Firm in Northumberland. We have evolved over a period of 125 years from a Sole Practitioner to a 7 Partner Departmenalised Practice providing a wide range of legal services to an expanding client base
Alderson Dodds were the first firm in the County to secure a Quality service Contract with the Legal Services Commission and are Franchised to provide publicly funded advice in Crime and Priso Law, Family Law, Personal Injury, Employment, Consumer Law, and Debt and Welfare Benefits.
In addition to our publicly Funded work we are able to offer a comprehensive service to our Private Clients through our Specialist Departments, and are committed to the attainment of the LEXCEL quality standard. Alderson Dodds are able to offer a wide range of funding options in relation to our contentious and non-contentious work and pride ourselves in our ability to deliver a quality product at a sensible cost.
Alderson Dodds are above all a progressive practice. We have invested heavily in Information Technology as a means of providing direct and speedy service to our clients and our team of Lawyers are committed to guaranteeing client staisfaction with that service.
But don’t take our word for it. Come and see for yourself!